has anyone done a deep dive into the music theory behind Becker‘s compositions? (From what I understand, at the risk of oversimplifying, he and Fagen understood music theory quite well, but didn’t necessarily think about it in the songwriting process). So much of Becker’s stuff has a unique and distinct harmonic language. There are relationships between chords that I don’t hear anywhere else, save a handful of Steely Dan songs. As a keyboard player, I find most SD/Fagen songs have some linear chord logic I can intuitively follow (if not fully
comprehend). Becker’s stuff is a different animal. Maybe it’s just a guitar vs. piano thing, but at any rate, I’d be interested in some analysis of, say, Surf And/Or Die, if such a thing exists.
guitarists will have to stretch to play some of these voicings- I use a 24" scale Fender Jaguar to make it easier. may the transcription light your way to insight, like the tubes from a thousand boutique amps. I think of it as "note clustered modality" launched from a base that is a maj7 without the 3rd. God bless the ears and hands of Danny Begelman. google him! cheers and harmony to all.