Attendees in person or in spirit -- Our first follow-up page is at Let's hear...
Got a Dollar?

Hello D.
Writing to THANK YOU for the beautiful and greatly needed $1,000 gift you donated to the Jazz Foundation on 10/30/18. We are honored to be the recipients of your t-shirt sale during this important occasion - and the monies raised will directly impact the (more than) 1200 musicians and their families who we currently "serve" in the States, including Puerto Rico.
Where would any of us be without music -- and without the extraordinary men and women who have devoted their lives, time and talent to enhancing ours.
Obviously I'm speaking to the choir here and just want to send a "personal" note of great appreciation.
Wishing you all very best - peace and music, always,
Bridget Sullivan
Director of Development
Jazz Foundation of America
322 West 48th Street
New York, NY 10036
(o): 212.245.3999, ext 18 /(m): 917.716.6608
the tumbdrive had both solo albums in full in mp3 and flac, a small selection of material from this website, and the single "new" cut -- This Is My Building -- which will be posted here soon. So it's more like a (pretty comprehensive) Sampler than a collection of rarities per se. If you wanted to turn a Becker virgin on to WB's work, this thumb drive would certaily get them started. Walt On A Stick, shall we say...
Gosh, so sad I missed this. Was there anything else on this thumb drive apart from that one treasure that would make it worth it on its own?
"Very Special Guitar Pics"?
I know guitar pics are collectables for players — I’ve heard. But c'mon people, explain it to a non-player, and to the partner of a non-collecting player. I watched the video of the crowd ooo-ing and aahhh-ing when Jim Kerr said "..and your prize are some guitar pics”. I figured it must have been facetious, right? And the clip of a guy looking into the little crystalline packet of his prize of a few pics and saying 'wow!"…I replayed it a few times to make sure the crystalline contained pics and not blow.
On the very low probability that someone reading this got a guitar pic -- or even just saw one — would you please tell me why in hell it drew apparently nonfacetious oohs and aahs and wows? What do they say: tomorrow’s winning lottery numbers or something?
Thanks lizking593, some folks worked pretty hard to bring the whole thing off. And we're going to find ways to give away some of what was left on the table because they ran long, over at We'll post some videos too from Larry Kelin, Walter's daugter Sa, John Beasley...
Glad you enjoyed it
I had a lot of fun. I think everyone around me was having fun too. I liked the speakers and the fans I got to talk to. Surprised by how many British fans showed up and by how many fans from a block or two away were there. Thank you to everyone who did this.
Somehow I don't believe your description of yourself, lol! Next you'll be selling me a bridge! But you made me laugh, and I thank you for that!
Count me in for the First Annual Becker Fest! Sunday was so much fun. Let's all "Do It Again!"
I was there in my Halloween costume; long-ish grey hair, british accent —I’m the one who won the leather jacket! lol.
I love the idea of a repeat event of some sort. What do you think; the First Annual Becker-Fest !?
I really wanted to meet you and asked several people if you were there. Was a bit bummed not to find you but respect your privacy.
So... Can we ALL meet at the sign next year and maybe have a block party or whatever??? Any takers?
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU a million times over for the street naming! It was WONDERFUL to be there. The giveaway was fantastic, something to be treasured always. I bought a shirt, and could have kicked myself for not buying a few more (maybe to be used for quilting something one day). The entire ceremony was a great tribute to Walter. He will be missed forever.
Bummed I couldn't be there. NYC is just a little too far away from Kentucky to have made it work this time with the vacation stuff I already had planned for the year. I'm glad to hear the celebration of Walter went well though!
o goodness. Thank you!
They got to around 50% of their planned program, leaving 50% of some cool giveaways on the table; gold record; Grammy garments (not to be confused with Morman undergarments), carved Polynesian stringed instrument, and so on. Matt should be along presently and may give us his street-level view.
And of course, there was the demo of a demo (very rough audio!) of a Circus Money era Becker/Klein track — on a WBW-branded USB flash stick full of Becker music --- called "This Is My Building". No lie.
If you have this track, please
keep it under wraps until we post it on this site...soon!
In the days and weeks ahead, will house much of the material they didn't get around to -- short video greetings from Walter's daughter Sa, Larry Klein, John Beasley....and maybe we can run that Caption Contest from there!
In the meantime, thanks again for the comments; well-deserved appreciation for some very hard workers
Can this be a "Thank you?" thread? I hope it can. Walked back to my midtown hotel from Queens, the proud owner of a new Circus Monkey [sic] t-shirt & a signed glossy, knowing the name of that Maui studio wher--"HYPERBOLIC SOUND"! So thanks to both mods - one for his eloquent speech, which had me laughing and nodding along, & the other, who chose, maybe deliberately, not to speak, maybe believing the generosity of spirit & humor on display throughout the day would say more than she ever could. Thanks to the participants, especially the UK journalist dressed like Screamin' Lord Sutch's older brother, who apparently has more room in his head for WB-themed trivia than all the rest of us together. & to the weather god(s), for those brief flashes of sunlight, for the gentle rustling of still-green leaves overhead. Thanks to everyone involved. Your work is registered and seen.
Sorry can't be in NYC today, best wishes to all WB fans.
I have always loved the design on this T-shirt. I have 2!