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Join date: Feb 20, 2018


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Host of The Slang Of Ages Podcast; Blogger at Slang Of Ages. Com

Lawyer, author, blogger, bass player, nerd? All those labels fit, but they are the tip of the iceberg.

I was born and raised in Baltimore to parents who encourage me and my siblings to learn and explore. I was also lucky enough to be exposed to live jazz music in the 70's and classic rock in the 80’s (before it was classic)! These exposures have led to my ongoing search 'for love and music' (to paraphrase Joni Mitchell).

My tenure as a police officer, lawyer and published author on leadership and adoption seem like weird diversions, but in the end they totality make me, me.

I thank you for your interest in my writings. They really represent a passion, which would not exist without my mother’s and father’s influence.

I thank you for your interest in me.

Preston Michael Frazier

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